What type of ad is Suitable for your business ?

Remember how that one TV advertisement during our childhood, still lingers on with us? As grownups, our decisions to buy a product or service are often influenced by the nature of ads that are associated with them.If one is smart enough, he/she will use this as an effective tool to increase the customer base. The obvious question next is - what types of ads are best suited for your business? Well, the answer to this question lies in a deep-stick analysis of the nature of your business and the stage of your marketing campaign. Choosing the right mix of advertisement can really make a difference in your prospective customer base.

Typically, advertisements are of three types, depending on how they tend to promote your product or service.

1. Display ads - creates Awareness. These are visual ads having the maximum impact on the viewers. They trigger an impulse action, engaging casually with the viewers, and owing to their better reach, maximise awareness.

In the ad above, a promotion video is being used to maximise the reach. This ad is about an event and thus maximizing the awareness about it is the main motive.

2. Direction ads - creates Interest and Desire. These ads generate an inquisitiveness among the customers, making them explore further. Such ads can be visual, textual or search-based. If you wish to rebrand, remarket or retarget your customers, this is your go-to ad type!

The above ad is of a stationary brand that sells their products through Instagram. The brand is also aiming to attract more views of their Instagram handle, to make it more popular. The above ad redirects th=e viewers to their instagram handle with just one click.

3. Lead generation ads - are Action Oriented. These ads ensure quick action, and a better intent at influencing the customers. When your customers are well informed, it allows them to decide faster, and they welcome being connected with a product or brand.

This ad has been created with a clear motive of generating leads. By clicking on the LEARN MORE tab, a user will get redirected to a simpleform where contact details and concern to connect will be collected.

Advertisements drive your sales growth because they create interest among your consumers. Once your consumers are aware of your products and services, or changes in the existing products or launch of new products, they are more likely to go out and buy it, especially if the advertisement entices them to try it out and experience it for themselves. Choose your ads right to have an edge over your competitors!

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